We make Tech-y things

born and bred in Orange County, California - we are a team of Technology professionals - partnering with private and government organizations - helping build and manage 'beautiful' technology.Headquarters: Irvine, CA
Inception: 2019
Team count: 38 (and growing)
Goal: improve your tech stack by building, fixing and innovating.

What We Do

a simple 1,2 and 3 punch set:

  • The Build: Don't waste your time and resources in building or putting together technologies - our team can give you a head start and stay ahead of the competition by offloading the "technology" to us.

  • The Fix: you want a technology fine tuned to your parameters? We can rebuild to your needs/specs in days/weeks.

  • The Innovate: technology stands tall on the shoulders of past innovations, and our team tries to do its part in maintaining with the tradition. We like LOVE to pursue the overzealous ideas that push the boundaries of current business operations and standards. Ex: we helped a mortgage bank use AI to process scanned documents reducing their operational cost by greater than 15%, and the scope of Human error.

The Team

Headquartered in Southern California, Team zaneCoder spans across the Globe with development teams operating in every time zone.We differentiate ourselves by employing bright minds that have a true passion for technology. We don't gloat about our resumes, rather the products we've built or worked around.
Following are the four (4) broader headings our Team collectively focuses on:

  • 1. Automation: time is often agreed upon to be the most valuable asset, and automation helps us better utilize time to obtain higher productivity with a diminished probability of errors. We use top technologies to help create fast and reliable solutions.

  • 2. Custom Built: there comes a point, for many businesses, where a (useful) technology solution just simply does not exist. Our custom development team comprises of Web+Mobile Developers who have been instrumental in delivering internal applications serving millions of transactional queries every day. Oh, and we make them real pretty.

  • 3. Data & ML: Our Data/ML division focuses heavily on fin-tech and mor-tech projects, allowing for the union of technology+numbers. Our team of Data Scientists and Engineers can also help structure, conduct and analyze your Research projects.

  • 4. AI: in the current age of omnipresent Artificial Intelligence, adoption is not a question of "if", rather "when". We can help you leverage the many famous Libraries and APIs upon which tools like ChatGPT continue to vow us.

Contact Us

Our teammates work around the world, send us an email and we'll be in touch shortly.


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Blog# 24

Sniffing Out User Pain Points: Lessons from Our Furry Friends ðŸķ 🔍

Author: Harry Sandhanwalia (Chief Product Officer)

Howdie folks! 👋Here's a fun wuestion for you: what's the difference between a dog's persistent itch and a user pain point?Nothing, really.
ðŸĪ” Think about it. When your pup can't stop scratching or licking, you don't (or shouldn't) just ignore it or tell them to quit. You investigate, figure out what's bothering them, and do your best to help.
Turns out, that's not a bad approach when it comes to handling user feedback, either.ðŸĶī Lesson 1: Treat every itch as an insight. ðŸ’Ą
When users reach out with complaints, bug reports, or feature requests, they're signaling that something's not quite right with their experience. It's like they've got an itch they can't scratch, and it's up to us as product leaders to figure out why.
Instead of brushing off these "itches," we can view them as valuable clues. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to understand our users better and uncover areas where we can improve. 🔍ðŸĶī Lesson 2: Observe users in their natural habitat. 👀
Want to really get to the bottom of a user pain point? Invite them in for some user testing sessions and watch how they interact with your product. Just like you can learn a lot about a dog's health by observing their behavior, you can gain invaluable insights by seeing users navigate your app in real-time.
Take note of where they get stuck, what delights them, and what leaves them scratching their heads. The more you watch and learn, the better equipped you'll be to create a seamless, tail-wagging user experience.ðŸĶī Lesson 3: Dig deep with empathy. âĪïļ
When investigating a user issue, channel your inner compassionate detective. Don't just take feedback at face value - really listen to what users are telling you, both directly and between the lines.
Perhaps a confusing onboarding flow is tripping them up. Maybe a slow-loading feature is trying their patience. By approaching every pain point with genuine curiosity and care, you can get to the root of the problem and craft solutions that stick.ðŸĶī The Takeaway: Empathy is a product leader's best friend.
At the end of the day, being a great product leader means being attentive, proactive, and deeply invested in your users' happiness. Kind of like being a really awesome dog parent, now that I think about it. 😄ðŸķ
So the next time your users start "itching" about a problem, resist the urge to say "hush." Instead, put on your detective hat, break out your user empathy toolkit, and get ready to investigate. 🧰 Your users (and your KPIs) will thank you.Thanks for reading, folks! I hope this little analogy has given you something to noodle on as you build products that make your users' tails wag. ðŸūâœĻ Remember - every itch is an opportunity in disguise. 😉#UserEmpathy #ProductLeadership #DogsOfUX #EmpathyInAction